For the first time in the history of septuplets were born in 1997: What they look like after 25 years

In 1997, an American woman gave birth to 7 twins at once. She immediately became famous in all countries of the planet, because it was the first case of the birth of sevenfold.In every corner you could hear about this rare event.

Anyone who has twins will immediately understand how difficult it is to cope with difficulties. There are those who can barely stand one, but here there are seven at once.But the spouses have done everything to ensure that their little ones grow up in a friendly family where harmony reigns.

When they were born, they weighed almost a kilo. The doctors were able to save the life of each little one. Many charitable foundations rushed to help the mother of many little ones. A huge and spacious house has been built for them, where each of the little ones can have their own room in the future.

School meals will also be free. The couple, even before the appearance of 7 had a daughter. She constantly helps her mother with the little ones, with the house. Many decided to pursue a career, they wanted to become military, programmers, one went to medical school.

Bobbi and Kenny Sr. are also now grandparents to 1-year-old Becham, the son of their older daughter, Mikayla, 22, who lives in Kansas City and was the first of the children to get married three years ago.

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