How 18-year-old Siamese twins live, who can see each other only in the mirror

Despite the fact that Nellie and Neve are already adults, the sisters will never be able to part even for a moment, because they were born Siamese twins.

Their parents heard from doctors not the most favorable forecasts. Girls were predicted to have a maximum of 10 years of life. And Nelly and Niv in 2019 celebrated their eighteenth birthday in a row and one for two.

The girls’ mother, who prefers not to advertise her appearance and name, says that she first learned about the diagnosis and appearance of her daughters at the time of their birth.

Since Siamese twins are not such a rare occurrence in the modern world, the parents of an unusual couple hoped that medical technology and the experience of doctors would help them separate the sisters. However, this is not possible, because, having different bodies, Nellie and Neve have grown together in the womb with their heads.

And, everything would be fine, but the twins have a common artery, which is responsible for the full blood supply to the brain of each girl.

Despite the fact that the life of Nelly and Niv can hardly be called rosy and trouble-free, the sisters do not want to be separated. They claim that everyone has their own hobbies, abilities, thoughts and desires, and they cannot imagine their lives without each other.

What is interesting is that nature has decreed that the sisters cannot see each other in any other way than with the help of a mirror. It also helps girls watch TV.

Nelly and Niv are not at all shy about their appearance. Thanks to courage and mutual love for themselves and their soul mate, the girls became popular bloggers and started several pages on social networks. They are happy to publish their photos and videos, emphasizing that they are the same as everyone else – absolutely normal people.

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