How the life of the Nigerian baby changed after he was rescued

This photo was taken by Danish volunteer Anja Ringren Loven. Looking at her is simply impossible to hold back tears. Who is this boy and what happened to him further in our article.

This kid was thrown out into the street by the people closest to him – his parents. And all because the boy is allegedly a sorcerer … In the settlement where this boy lived, there was a community that inspired parents that their children were real sorcerers. They offered them to rid the kids of these “abilities” for a lot of money.

The child lived and slept on the streets of the settlement for eight months. From the food there were only leftovers, which he had difficulty finding. The fate of this boy could have been completely different and short-lived if the volunteer Anya. The girl helps children from Nigeria. Seeing the baby for the first time, the volunteer was simply horrified at how exhausted and exhausted this baby was. She immediately took him to the hospital.

The boy was placed in a rehabilitation center, where he slowly but still recovered. They called him a beautiful name – Hope. The boy was far behind in development from his peers. But now everything has changed. The boy goes to school and almost keeps up with his classmates. He has many new friends and is very happy!

Anya Ringren has her own orphanage, which she created for the kids. There he lives, saved from the boy Hope.The girl and her husband (by the way, also a Nigerian) have their own child. The kid from an early age communicates with them and makes friends with children from the orphanage. Perhaps he will continue to save the lives of these unfortunate children, like his mother.

Anya admits that she loves all the children she managed to save very much. She considers them all hers. In the near future, Ringren and her husband are going to open another shelter called “Land of Hope”.

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