How the lucky cat settled in the police station and found a job

A black and white cat named Oscar lives and works at Holmfirth Police Station in West Yorkshire, England. He was officially appointed chief mouser. Now the cat hunts rodents in the department, and in his free time, he sleeps on his couch.

Oscar used to have a family. He lived near the police and often came to visit the officers. The owners of the cat did not mind, and the law enforcement officers themselves were very happy to see Oscar at the police station. And, having learned that the owners of the pet were preparing to move, they agreed to take the cat to the site.

Now an entire police department is taking care of Oscar. The cat always has food, water, and beds in several rooms. The department is happy that they have a fluffy employee: “If you have a bad day, you can pet the cat, hug it, and this will lift your spirits,” the officers share. “He really helps us.”

The cat doesn’t let the workers stay alone, when he notices someone sad he plays with them, attracting their attention, so the workers forget about the bad mood. In this way, the cat found a new home and friends.

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