Mother of 5-year-old triplets breastfeeds the kids until they decide to stop

An Australian mother has explained the reasons why she is still breastfeeding her children despite the fact that they have reached the preschool age of 5 years.

Devina Wright, who lives in Hong Kong with her husband Jason and five children, breastfed her triplets Connor, Willow and Summer from birth and continues to do so. The 47-year-old mother says that although she is “tired” of breastfeeding, she believes it is up to the babies to decide when to stop.

Wright says that while some people claim that she breastfeeds only for herself, this is far from the case. “I would be happy if they weaned. But I won’t stop breastfeeding until they want to,” Devina said. The mother of many children claims her two oldest children stopped breastfeeding at about 14 months of age, and she expected the same from her triplets.

However, this did not happen, and now Devina feeds the triplets twice a day – in the morning and in the evening, before bed. At the same time, Wright wants to instill the rules regarding the independence of her own body in her children, but they often do not listen to her.

“Our main task at the moment is the lessons in respect for the boundaries and autonomy of the body. For example, if they ask for “sissy” and I don’t want to, I say “no” and they lash out at me,” she explained. Despite this, she claims that she enjoys the feeling of connection between her and the children when feeds them.

In addition, children do not succumb to bullying because the family does not disclose details of their story to friends and acquaintances. In the meantime, the triplets will be starting kindergarten soon, and Wright says things won’t change if the kids don’t give up their breasts.

“One of the most rewarding things about breastfeeding older children is that they are able to express their joy in the process,” said the mother of many children. “Mine talk quite often about how much they love it and how happy they are.”

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