Diana Adams from Nebraska was planning to play her wedding in early August. She decided that her sister Christina Meador from Texas would be a bridesmaid. And even in the past, Diana told her about her plans.
Christina happily agreed, but the problematic question remained – what to do with the outfit for the celebration? A month before the wedding, she bought an inexpensive dress, but the girl lost weight, and the outfit turned out to be big for her.
Diana, knowing that I was not a big fan of evening dresses and that I was unlikely to have a lot of money to buy something worthy, reassured me and said that I could wear any outfit I choose.
The sister of the bride thought for a long time about a suit that she would be able to wear more than once, and in the end she decided to take a rather radical step.
Well, she said to wear “whatever”, and if I spend more than $50 on it, then I want it to be a dinosaur costume: they are fantastic, and I have always wanted one.
When you’re a bridesmaid and they tell you you can wear whatever… I don’t regret anything.
The resourceful sister thought about the plan several more times with the costume and was even going to dress up as the Tardis from Doctor Who (a time machine from the Doctor Who series, which was a small police box). But still, she liked the dinosaur version the most. And even more, so that the sister was not against it.
I arrive in Nebraska for a wedding, Diana picks me up from the hotel with my mom to go to the last dress fitting, and I pull out the suit I bought, saying that I’m going to wear it, after which she laughs wildly.
At the same time, Christina even suggested to her sister that she put on a dress that the woman bought just in case the day before the wedding, but Diana already liked this option too much.
I remember everyone’s surprise. It seemed to me that the guests were doing their best not to notice the elephant in the room . I took off my suit as soon as the ceremony was over to enjoy the celebration in the dress I wore underneath.
On the same day, guests noticed how Christina was walking nearby with some boy, although she did not know anything about this.
But it was not me, but a friend of the child who was wearing exactly the same costume!
The bride herself does not even think that her sister allegedly ruined the holiday, and believes that the dinosaur only embellished everything.
It’s not even a joke, it’s a thumbs up for those who spend thousands of dollars and kill a bunch of nerves to please a bunch of people who just want free food and drinks. My sister is amazing. And I really wasn’t kidding when I said she could wear whatever she wanted.