The couple adopted a sick child: The girl gave another 143 children a chance to survive

Back in the early 1970s, Corrine and Roger Vogel were very upset that they were unable to have a child. They wanted a big family so much that they decided to adopt. The choice fell on a 10-week-old girl, Cindy, who was abandoned by her own mother.

Corrin and Roger knew that the baby was not completely healthy, but only when all the adoption procedures and paperwork were over did they hear the terrible truth from the doctors – Cindy was born with a big hole in her heart, and is unlikely to live to see her first birthday.

The social worker who patronized the family asked the couple if they would like to give the baby back. However, Corrin and Roger flatly refused. “How can we give her away if she’s ours?” asked the then young man.

The husband and wife decided to carry their cross to the end and be with their daughter for as long as fate measured her. The first year of Cindy’s life passed, then the second, the third… The care and love of her parents, as well as medical supervision and the scheduled operation performed a miracle – the girl grew and developed, as it should be for her age.

And then Corrin and Roger Vogel felt the incredible power in themselves to help sick children. They remodeled their California home, added more bedrooms and bathrooms, and began adopting other children with health issues.

Now the spouses are already elderly people who, over 50 years of marriage, have raised 143 other people’s children in their family! In addition, probably, for good deeds, God heard their prayers, and over all these years they also had five biological children!

And what was the fate of Cindy – the first adopted child of Corrine and Roger? As a child, she underwent successful open-heart surgery, and the disease receded. Now the woman is already over 40, she has four children of her own and three wonderful grandchildren!

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