The girl did not understand why for 20 years she had not heard well. The doctor pulled the answer out of her ear

A girl named Jordan was sure all her life that her ears were the first to suffer from allergies.

Sounds in the girl’s world have always been muted and quiet, and she soon realized that hearing wasn’t her strong point.

It should be noted that she ‘is used to and did not pay attention to this fact.

Sensing that she was falling ill, Jordan decided to see a therapist, who immediately referred the patient to an otolaryngologist.

The specialist immediately decided that the problem should not be sought externally.

But while she waited for some sort of medicine or the usual advice to drink plenty of fluids and rest, the doctor took her aback. There was an object in the girl’s ear.

The doctor carefully removed it with tweezers, and the blogger saw the greetings from the distant 1999.


It turned out that a piece of ear tube had remained in his ear, which the doctor installed during treatment for otitis media when Jordan was still small.

The piece was supposed to fall off on its own over time, but something went wrong.

It was the reason that did not allow Jordan to hear normally for 22 years, blocking the ear canal.

Of course, she did not expect such a development of events. Finally, she decided to keep the pipe as a keepsake.

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