The girl saw colors hidden from others and was known as an eccentric. It has become a gift for scientists

From childhood, the artist did not understand why those around her looked askance when she spoke of the colors she saw.The mystery was solved by an art school class that helped a woman learn more about her illness and become a treasure trove for researchers. Australian Concetta Antico is an artist from Byron Bay who truly has a unique vision of the planet.

The fact is that a woman sees much more than ordinary people. She distinguishes about 100 million shades, while everything else – only ten million, writes the Daily Mail. When Antiko interacted with her peers and told them what colors she had seen, she faced bewilderment from their side. Already at a young age, Concetta began to realize that something was wrong with her, but she did not try to find out exactly what.

A great love for flowers and the ability to see the world differently from others led the woman into the artistic field, where with the help of a picture with a fish you can break a cat or create a masterpiece. artwork from dry leaves.

Ultimately, Antiko became a talented artist who began to share her knowledge with others.

After becoming a teacher, Concetta also began to deal with student confusion when they could not understand the colors the teacher was pointing to.

It wasn’t until 2010, when a Japanese film crew came to her classes, that the woman realized what was special about her.

TV crews were filming a documentary about a rare disease called tetrachromia, in which people can see many more colors than usual.

For one scene, they asked Concetta to show some colors to the students, and the students to raise their hands if they couldn’t see them.

When the 12 students raised their hands, everything clicked into place in the woman’s head.

With tetrachromia, a person has four light-sensitive receptors in the eye that work in a certain way.

As a result of such a genetic anomaly, the colors in the wearer’s perception acquire intense and bright hues that are almost impossible to detect with the normal eye.

As an example, you can look at the work of Concetta herself.

With the help of her artistic skills, she can show how the owner of such a condition sees the world around him.

On the right is a painting of Concetta with the flowers she sees.

Thanks to her talent, the woman became a real gift for scientists, who, thanks to her work, were able to study the phenomenon of tetrachromia in detail.

Now anyone who wants to know how someone with the condition sees the world can head to Byron Bay, to the Antico Gallery, which she opened this summer.

In it, visitors can get acquainted with the masterpieces of the artist, the colors of which seem unrealistic only at first glance.

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