The girl stopped cutting her hair 13 years ago and does not plan to stop there

Many women dream of having long hair like a fairy princess, but the reality is that you first need to grow it, and then take care of it, and both are not easy things. Of course, many women choose an alternative – building, but the heroine of our article is not looking for easy ways.

Russian Rapunzel from Barnaul named Dashik Gubanova, also known as just Freckles, is the happy owner of very long hair. The beauty and length of Dashik’s hair was appreciated by users from all over the world, because her Instagram page has more than 140 thousand subscribers.

The girl says she plans to continue growing her hair to toe.
“I love creativity in all its manifestations. I make felt boots, I draw. I love long hair. I have been growing my hair since 2003. My goal is a braid to toe,” reads the description of her Instagram page.

Some users began to tell Dashik that she should donate her hair for wigs. “This post is for those who say that I should donate my hair for wigs.. At the age of 14, I cut off my hair and donated it to the creation of wigs. I am currently growing them. My goal is to grow them to their toes,” Dashik wrote.

Dashik started growing her hair out in 2003. In the style of Disney Princess Jasmine.

Looking at the girl’s hair, many users do not understand how the girl manages to dry them and care for them, but be that as it may, most of the comments are positive.

In addition to growing hair, Dashik is engaged in fitness and loves to ride horses.

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