The grandmother from Scotland doesn’t know what physical pain is

It can be called a real phenomenon. She learned about the reason for her peculiarity at the age of 65, and now she is 71 years old.

Joe Cameron, at first glance, seems like an ordinary grandmother, of which there are millions. But she is special and even unique! And all because a woman does not feel pain and is never in a bad mood. The only problem that the Scot has to face is not a very good memory, but Jo had not paid attention to this before.

Doctors became interested in the phenomenon of Mrs. Cameron, when she once went to the doctor and complained of strange sensations in the hip area and excessive weight gain. The doctors sent the former teacher home because she had no pain.

Insisting on x-rays, Joe shocked even the most experienced professionals! The professors did not understand how, with such bone problems, she even lived until 65 years.

The woman was immediately scheduled for a hip replacement operation, and it was performed completely without anesthesia, since the patient simply did not need it.

While Jo was in the hospital, doctors carefully studied the possibilities and abilities of her unusual body. It turned out that the woman never complained of any pain in her life, and all wounds and injuries healed on her in a record short time.

Realizing that they were dealing with an atypical case, the doctors took all kinds of tests from the patient and conducted many studies in order to finally determine the cause of this feature.

It turned out that Jo had two DNA mutations that deprived her of the ability to feel physical pain. These same mutations were also responsible for the state of constant happiness and poor memory, which the woman considered signs of dementia.

Further more. Mrs. Cameron’s children also turned out to be insensitive to pain, but Jo’s mother did not have such a feature. So she got this genetic predisposition from her father. There is no way to examine the man, since he has long been dead.

Now, recalling her childhood, the 71-year-old grandmother notes with surprise that yes – she had dozens of reasons to be convinced of her uniqueness, but for some reason then no one paid attention to her lack of reaction to pain.

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