The man passed a DNA test and found a daughter he did not know about. But this was just the beginning of a series of surprises from the past.

Anthony Talmich from the US state of Colorado received a gift from his wife Laura in 2018 that literally changed his life. It was a DNA test that revealed much more than the man expected.

In 1974, when the now 63-year-old Anthony was 17 years old, he met a girl who became pregnant and soon left school. The friend swore that the child was not his, but Talmich could not help feeling that this was not true.

This feeling did not leave the man for many years. Even on the first meeting with his wife Laura, whom they married in 2007, he told her that he did not know for sure whether he had children or not.

Over the next four decades, Anthony several times tried to find out from his former lover something about their supposedly common child, but she refused to talk about it.

Laura was worried about her husband’s condition, so in 2018, when she saw an advertisement for a genealogy site, the woman decided that this was a sign and gave her husband a DNA test for Christmas. Although often such undertakings end in a destroyed family or an unexpected finding out of their real gender.

After several months and letters informing him that Anthony had a lot of cousins and second cousins, in May the man received an unexpected message from a stranger.

Hello. I just got the results of my DNA test, and it looks like we’re related. I was not sure whether to write to you or not, the fact is that you are my biological father. I was adopted at birth and I don’t know who my real parents are. I’m just wondering if it could be you. Good luck, Reyna, the message said.

Not believing in such a possibility, Anthony and his wife looked at Reina’s profile on the site, and then they had to believe their eyes – the similarity between the woman and Talmich was obvious. The man turned out to be right, he really had a child – a daughter named Reina Pudder.

As Anthony managed to find out, 46-year-old Reina was adopted, and she always knew about it. Growing up, she, unfortunately, fell out with her foster family and began to look for a real father.

Fortunately for her, she also received a DNA test for Christmas in 2018, which led her to Anthony.

After that message, the man immediately wrote back. Father and daughter began to communicate every day until they met a month later in June on Father’s Day, when Reina flew in to visit.

Everyone at the airport was crying, because while we were waiting for her, I managed to tell everyone everything. I talk quite a lot,” said Anthony’s wife.

But the happy and long-awaited reunion did not end there. In January 2020, the man was already waiting for a New Year’s surprise when he again received a message from a stranger.

Good morning Tony. I wanted to write to you because I recently received DNA results that say that you and I are father and daughter. I sent you the data for verification, along with a couple of my photos. Please let me know if you’d like to chat. I would like to get to know you better,” wrote a woman named Tina Glassburn.

The woman also knew that she was adopted, so, having matured, she began to look for real parents. At 22, she managed to contact her mother, who spoke little about Tina’s dad, so there was little help from a woman in finding a second parent.

The same site in 2019 gave her answers, whose services and DNA tests were used by Reyna and Anthony.

Soon both also got in touch, and a few weeks later met in person. Both experienced a real shock: Anthony – from the fact that he was the father of two daughters all this time, and Tina – from the fact that she has not only a father, but also a twin sister, whom she did not even suspect.

After Tina’s meeting with Anthony, Reyna contacted her sister, whom she also saw in person later.

I met my biological mother and found out that I have two half-sisters, but we never got close. We don’t talk. We’ve never really been close. But when I met Reyna, for some reason, we immediately had a spiritual connection. I couldn’t wait to hug her, meet her and be a part of her life,” Glassburn said.

Nevertheless, for the first time, all three of them managed to meet at once only in September, but the expectations were worth it, because the newly-made relatives could not even describe their joy from the meeting.

It was something I never even dreamed I would ever experience. It was absolutely

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