The man was paralyzed, but he and his bride did not give up. How real love can overcome the most difficult obstacles

In the summer of 2018, chef Brian Kidwell from Los Angeles was doing well. He and his beloved woman planned a wedding and wanted to open their own restaurant with a friend. But in mid-August, an incident occurred that could seriously interfere with these ideas. While surfing, Brian hit his head on a shallow, because of which he broke one cervical vertebra and put a crack on the other.

The American was immediately paralyzed from the neck down. Kidwell had already begun to sink, but the bride noticed something was wrong in time, and the rescuers pulled the man out of the water, he said on Facebook. He was immediately taken to the hospital and had an MRI. According to Brian, it turned out that he had a damaged spinal cord and needed an urgent operation, to which he, of course, agreed.

The next thing I remember, I was vomiting while the doctors were inserting an endotracheal tube into my windpipe. It seemed like I slept for many days, but these days were actually the hardest for my loved ones. I woke up with my parents around. I can’t imagine their horror when they saw their oldest child like this.

Shortly after the operation, the man began to undergo rehabilitation. He set himself tasks that at first glance seemed impossible. Brian claims that he had an “incredibly hard time”. But the efforts paid off: after a little more than a month, the American had already begun to walk with outside help. And three months later he could move independently and without a cane.

However, Kidwell considers the reason for recovery not so much his perseverance as luck, the desire to realize plans and, of course, the full support of loved ones. The man’s bride did not abandon him at all and, together with Brian, overcame difficulties. The woman filmed his successes and difficult moments on video and photos, and when a year had passed since the incident, she presented her beloved with a video compilation. “A year ago, I almost lost you, but life gave you a second chance,” said the American.

The footage shows Kidwell making his way from a hospital bed to a wedding ceremony. Here he is just starting to re-learn how to move his limbs.

A little more, and Brian learned to move his arms and legs much better, than move around. At first, he took steps, leaning on a walker, then on other people. When the man began to try to walk on his own, it was noticeable how difficult it was for him.

The culmination of the video is the wedding of an American, at which, as can be seen in the photo, he did not need a walker or canes. How it was, you can see in the video.

Brian’s video has received 27,000 likes  In the comments, users admit to crying while watching the video. Many people are also amazed at Kidwell’s rapid progress. And, of course, the support that his now wife provided to him.

I’m crying. Love can really overcome a lot. May all my love be with you along the way!

I roar. This is, without a doubt, true love. I’m so glad you have the tenacity and your wife the devotion to help you through this journey. Congratulations!

You are one of the few people in the world who can say, “I know what love is and I have the proof.”

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