This woman twice became the mother of twins. After 12 years, she was in for a big surprise

This story is about a family from Scotland. At first glance, this is an ordinary happy family, if not for one “feature”. Karen and Colin have been married for 20 years, silver wedding coming soon. They have wonderful children. And they are the main miracle of this family! It all started 16 years ago, when young parents were preparing to become mom and dad for the first time. What was their joy when twins were born.

The twin boys were named Lewis and Kyle. But they had no idea that a whole twin epic would begin with these two! Two years later, Karen found out that she was pregnant for the second time, and she again became the mother of twins! Also, by the way, boys – Jude and Finn. As a result, a whole “team” of similar snub-nosed boys was formed. All the guys grew up noisy, friendly and cheerful.

Like all children, they brought small pleasant upbringing chores into the life of their parents. And everything would have ended there, because the age was not the earliest, and there was enough work. But they so wanted to have another girl, so after 12 years they decided to have another child. By this time, Karen was already 41 years old, but this did not frighten her.

The most striking thing was that for the third time the Rogers family was replenished with twins! When the expectant mother told her husband about this, he replied:
“It’s not funny!”
To which Karen said:
“But I’m not laughing!” At the moment when the doctors told me about the twins, I experienced some kind of strange deja vu. I have already prepared for the fact that it will be boys again. she laughs. “But this time my husband and I finally waited for the girls.”

The rosy-cheeked sisters were named Rowan and Isla. Needless to say, how glad the brothers are to see them! According to doctors, the chance of having a third twin is 1:500,000.

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