Works for the first time at 95 years old: “I’ve never felt this feeling before.”This story will make you happy

There is often a tendency to think that once you reach an advanced age, it’s no longer possible to embark on a new project or fulfill a dream. However, nothing could be further from the truth; all it takes is willpower and initiative.

Aspasia D’Avila, a Brazilian woman, is a testament to this. At over 90 years old, she entered the workforce for the first time. Specifically, Aspasia decided to change her life in 2019 at the age of 92. After raising children and grandchildren, her daily routine had become a bit too monotonous.

One day, her granddaughter Fabiana showed her a religious figure made with a special type of crochet called amigurumi. Fascinated by this Japanese technique, she decided to learn how to make these dolls for her great-grandson’s first communion. With her daughter, she crafted little angels, and the result delighted all the guests who asked her if she also did this type of work for pay.
Aspasia chose to “supplement” her income by charging a modest amount, which quickly became a significant source of revenue. “I didn’t expect such success! I am a widow, living on my pension, so I always had financial help from a child, but now I don’t need it anymore. Having my own money has given me a great sense of freedom,” said the elderly woman.

“All my life, I took care of the house, my husband, and my children. I did odd jobs because I needed to occupy my time, in addition to reading and aqua aerobics. Today, I see a different kind of life for women: I find my niece Fabiana’s independence wonderful,” said Aspasia. Amused by her grandmother’s success, Fabiana opened an account to promote her dolls, and once again, Aspasia achieved resounding success. “The demand is enormous. I can’t keep up. I’ve already had to call in three helpers,” she said.
The grandmother has also received orders from outside Brazil, believing she has already sold over 700 dolls, including to Canada and Portugal. “I am very proud of my work. I see people thanking me, sending me messages, and it makes me very happy,” declared Aspasia. A woman like her is living proof that it’s never too late to fulfill your dreams.

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