How the weak and emaciated cougar herself came to the animal rescue center to get help

Cougar cubs stay with their mother until they are two years old. During this time, the parent teaches them everything they need to survive in the wild. But our heroine of history was not lucky, because her mother died. Therefore, the young cougar was doomed to starve. However, the animal was able to find a way out of the situation.

The cougar was less than a year old in appearance, she could hardly stand on her paws, because she was very emaciated. But the force of the will to live helped the cougar get to the animal shelter, where she was noticed by the staff.

The wild animal behaved calmly and did not try to escape. The predator was very emaciated and indifferent to everything that was happening around. It was clear that she had not eaten in a long time. At the first glance at the puma, it became clear that she was left without a mother early, so she did not have time to acquire the necessary skills to survive in the wild. The cougar was exhausted to the limit, but the animal rescue center was not going to give up.

The veterinarian examined the wild cat, her weight at that time was only 15 kg, which is much less than the norm for her age. So, if she had not reached the shelter, she would most likely have died soon. rehabilitation began, which helped the cougar survive.

Every hour the predator was fed with small rodents and chicken breasts. In a couple of weeks of such enhanced nutrition, she was able to gain about 5 kg, get stronger and begin to behave more boldly and aggressively, as a predatory cat should.

After a full course of rehabilitation, the cougar cannot be returned to the wild. So now the employees are thinking where to attach it. Now they are negotiating with the zoo about this and it seems that they agree to take the cougar for permanent residence.

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